श्री माहेश्वरी धर्मशाला वाराणसी

black and brown leather padded tub sofa


Experience comfort and hospitality at our hotel in Varanasi.

Room Facilities

All rooms equipped with modern amenities for comfort.

Enjoy exceptional services during your stay with us.

Contact us via WhatsApp for bookings.

Best Services
Affordable Rates

📞 Call- 09752425167

Welcome to Shree Maheshwari Dharamshala

Experience the best hospitality in Varanasi with all room facilities and services. Book your stay easily via WhatsApp or call us today!

Brightly lit neon sign displaying 'I ♥ Varanasi' with a heart symbol and a flame. The background is dark, highlighting the illuminated letters. Several auto rickshaws are parked in front of the sign.
Brightly lit neon sign displaying 'I ♥ Varanasi' with a heart symbol and a flame. The background is dark, highlighting the illuminated letters. Several auto rickshaws are parked in front of the sign.



Best Dharamshala Varanasi

All India

विश्व की प्राचीनतम नगरी में से एक देवधिदेव महादेव की प्रिय नगरी काशी जिसे कालांतर में बनारस और वर्तमान में वाराणसी के नाम से जाना जाता है यह किदवंती है कि यह नगरी शिव जी के त्रिशूल की नोक पर स्थित है यह नगरी विश्व की 10 प्राचीनतम नगरी और एशिया की प्रथम वरीयता प्राप्त प्राचीनतम नगरी है धर्म और आध्यात्म की एस विशेष नगरी में कण कण में शिव विराजित है यह शहर गंगा – वरुणा और लगभग विलुप्त सी हो चुकी असी नदी के संगम पर स्थित है |

सुलभ सुविधाएं :

- वातानुकूलित कमरे (सुविधाओं और साजसज्जा के साथ)

- डॉरमेट्री

- भोजनशाला ( रेस्टोरेन्ट- शुद्ध शाकाहारी भोजन की सुलभता )

- लिफ्ट की सुविधा

- माहेश्वरी समाज स्वजनों को प्राथमिकता


Experience the best dharamshala in Varanasi with top-notch facilities and services available.


Enjoy well-furnished rooms with all essential amenities for a pleasant stay.


Easily book your stay via WhatsApp or call for a hassle-free experience.

All-Inclusive Services Offered


Gallery Showcase

Explore our luxurious rooms and facilities at Shree Maheshwari Dharamshala.

A multi-story building with a traditional architectural style featuring several windows each outlined with an orange border. On top, there's a clock and a large decorative element resembling a Dharma wheel. The name of the location is displayed in Hindi and English.
A multi-story building with a traditional architectural style featuring several windows each outlined with an orange border. On top, there's a clock and a large decorative element resembling a Dharma wheel. The name of the location is displayed in Hindi and English.

The best dharamshala in Varanasi! Excellent room facilities and services. Booking was easy via WhatsApp. Highly recommend for a comfortable stay!

Rajesh Kumar

A multi-story hotel building with numerous balconies is situated in front of a parking lot filled with various cars. The structure has a rustic appearance with stone and brickwork, and warm lighting illuminates the exterior. Behind the hotel, a forested hillside rises, contributing to a serene setting.
A multi-story hotel building with numerous balconies is situated in front of a parking lot filled with various cars. The structure has a rustic appearance with stone and brickwork, and warm lighting illuminates the exterior. Behind the hotel, a forested hillside rises, contributing to a serene setting.


Distance :

वाराणसी जंकशन रेलवे स्टेशन (BSB) से 3 किमी

वाराणसी सिटी रेलवे स्टेशन (BCY) से 2 किमी

बनारस रेलवे स्टेशन (BSBS) से 5 किमी

बाबतपुर हवाई अड्डे (लाल बहादुर शास्त्री हवाई अड्डा) से 25 किमी

काशी विश्वनाथ मन्दिर कॉरिडोर से 500 मीटर